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Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki

Klient: NCC Suomi OY
Disain: Arkkitehdit Soini & Horto and Pinto Design
Avalike ruumide erimööbel, fuajee.
Helsingi, 2015

Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki
Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Custom made seating element, covered with Pisazza
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
Handrails with integrated lighting
Handrails with integrated lighting