Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki

Klient: NCC Suomi Oy
Disain: Jeskanen-Repo-Teränne Arkkitehdit Oy
Koolimööbel, köögid, vaheseinad.
Helsingi, 2016

Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, partition wall
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture
Svenska Normallyceum Helsinki, school furniture

FISTA, Finnish International School of Tampere

Klient: SRV Rakennus Oy
Disain: Arkkitehtitoimisto Aarne von Boehm Oy
Tampere, Soome, 2016

FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture
FISTA, school furniture

Tuomela kool

Disain: Eero Renell, Arkkitehtitoimisto Aarne von Boehm Oy
“KOTA” moodulid – istemööbel koolidesse ja õpperuumidesse.
Hämeenkylä, 2016

KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces
KOTA seat furniture for schools and learning spaces

Valteri-koulu Onerva Jyväskylä

Klient: SRV Rakennus Oy
Disain: Arkkitehtitoimisto Aarne von Boehm Oy
Kooli erimööbel.
Jyväskylä, 2015

Valteri-koulu Onerva, Jyväskylä

Hirvikoski kool

Klient: NCC Suomi Oy
Disain: Arkkitehtisuunnittelu Mikko Uotila Oy
Kooli erimööbel.
Loimaa, 2015

Unioninkatu ülikool Helsingis

Klient: Lemminkäinen Talo Oy
Disain: Raami Arkkitehdit Oy / Jeskanen-Repo-Teränne Arkkitehdit Oy
Helsingi, 2015

Soome Rahvusraamatukogu

Klient: NCC Rakennus Oy
Disain: LPR Arkkitehdit OY
Rahvusraamatukogu erimööbel.
Helsingi, 2015

National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland
National Library of Finland

HusLab, Helsingin Yliopistokiinteistöt

Klient: Helsingin Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy, HUSLAB
Köögid, kapid, riidekapid.
Helsingi, 2015

HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot
HusLab toimistot

Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki

Klient: NCC Suomi OY
Disain: Arkkitehdit Soini & Horto and Pinto Design
Avalike ruumide erimööbel, fuajee.
Helsingi, 2015

Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki
Hotel Indigo Bulevardi Helsinki
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel lobby
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Furniture of hotel restaurant
Custom made seating element, covered with Pisazza
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
furniture of coffee-shop
Handrails with integrated lighting
Handrails with integrated lighting